Mr. Patrick Nistler

Pop culture enthusiast.
Record store liker.
Plaid wearing creative.
Portland, Oregon

KFC / Holiday Bucket Campaign 

The Holidays can be a time of happiness, family time, and Holiday cheer. We tapped back into 1950’s idealism with this Holiday bucket to find the comfort that KFC offers. 

Based on vintage Holiday cards, the bucket included a jam-packed scene of KFC goodies that people could actually win—all you had to do was take a picture of the item you wanted to win and post it to Instagram. Will Secret Sanders stop by your house? You never know.

Role: Art Director / Designer
CDs: Jarrod Higgins, Lawrence Melilli @ Wieden+Kennedy

We created two versions of the bucket, one with Colonel Sanders wearing a Santa Hat and a limited Edition version of Colonel Sanders as Santa.

Social posts
bring the scenes alive in a vintage, comforting way.

The Christmas gift contest
Each bucket had illustrated versions of items you could win. 

If people took a picture of the Colonel Sanders as Santa image they could win the grand prize (a velvet Colonel Santa suit!)

The Christmas gift winners
KFC gave away over 1,000 items!